DIGI2B - Digitalization as a business driver
The DIGI2B project addresses the challenges of planning and implementing digitalization projects, and aims to demonstrate the business benefits of digitalization. The aim is to increase the know-how of companies and other actors related to digitalization, and to help operators allocate resources correctly.
The information produced in the project will improve the ability of organisations and RDI actors to produce services that promote business life. In the future, data will be able to be used to plan and evaluate digitalization projects in a realistic and easy-to-use way, which will help companies make profitable decisions. For the companies involved, the project will bring significant added value, help create new ways of working, and reach potential new customers.
The project will gather success stories from companies
Success stories tell how companies have utilized digitalization to support their business and what kind of benefits they have gained from digitalization. Success stories are recorded and the collected material is used to form a picture of what unites successful digitalization projects. The stories can be used to concretise the benefits of digitalization projects, as well as the investments it requires for companies and RDI actors. Stories can be used to unlock what digitalization is in practice. In this way, the aim is to encourage different actors to develop digitalisation in their own operations.
Building on the practical knowledge and experience gathered, a “Roadmap for Digital Business Advantage” is created.
The roadmap will help to increase understanding of what digital transformation requires of users, company culture, operating models and old systems. The road map serves as a basis for future projects and other projects. It tells us what practical steps a company needs to take to carry out a digitalization project and it can be used to assess the business potential of digitalization projects in advance. As part of the roadmap, a "tool for assessing the potential return and resource need of the digitalization strategy and the digitalization project" will be developed to help the operator determine the life cycle of the digitalization project.
The role of communication in the project is important
Communication is important in order to bring new knowledge, knowledge and recommendations of best practices to the attention of the target group. The road map and assessment tools will be made available to various actors online in electronic form. They are being tested by companies and projects in the region. Based on the feedback received, the tools are refined and developed and their content can be updated during and after the project.
Creating economic growth
The project will increase the competence and ability of companies and other actors in the Central Ostrobothnia region to implement well-planned digitalization projects. This, in turn, creates economic growth in the long run.