What is meant by digitalization?

Kaupunki, lentokone, laiva, bussi, liikenne, traktori, terveydenhuolto, etätyö, langaton yhteys, älykello, paikkatiedot, tyttö ja kuulokkeet, sensoridata, kännykkä.
Digitalisaatio vaikuttaa nykyään kaikilla elämämme osa-alueilla, sekä työssä, että vapaa-ajalla.

This road map often refers to digitalisation, which is a very broad concept. Digitalization is now a part of our daily lives, and we don’t always think about what it can hide.

For companies in the Central Ostrobothnia region, digitalisation means, among other things, technical solutions that make everyday life easier and save time and the automation of matters. It can support other activities of the company or be the basis of the whole business idea.

Even though digitalization includes various technical solutions and the utilisation of collected information, this always requires human guidance and a vision of what one wants to achieve.  The development work must start from the company’s own needs. If successful, the development work will make everyday life easier for the company and people and pays itself back with interest.


Digitalization is not:

Examples of digitalization

Source: Jyrki J.J. Kasvi. 2019. Digi Digi Digi. TIEKE Tietoyhteiskunnan kehittämiskeskus ry. Referenced 16.1.2023. Available: https://tieke.fi/digi-digi-digi/ ;
Scrive. Digitalisaatio. Referenced: 16.1.2023. Available: https://www.scrive.com/fi/digitalisaatio/ ;
Digitaalinen Helsinki. Mitä digitalisaatio tarkoittaa. Referenced 16.1.2023. Available: https://digi.hel.fi/esittely/mika-digi/